It has been a while since I have been able to write a post. Now, due to popular demand, I am writing a new, long awaited article. This one is going to be a little more serious and probably without random comparisons, but I have been wanting to write it for a while so here it goes.
I first recommend watching the video I have included at the top since all my comments will be derived from things this man has said. Mar Gungor is an amazing man and makes understanding important concepts like this one very easy as well as hilarious. The way he presents this topic is such that it does not make you feel bad about yourself, but is done so that you can laugh and think, "you know what, he's right."
Confidence is an amazing thing and one who possesses confidence controls the way people see them and think about them. Of course, if you have no confidence, you give a perception that you do not want to be liked. when you constantly put yourself down, despite what others may say, you just reinforce what you think of yourself and allow others to think the same.
Girls you are especially guilty of this. I know some guys who fall victim to this trap, and I am at times one of them, but for the most part, we men are very confident and enjoy to show off our talents, knowledge, large muscles, etc. Girls, however, are constantly drawing attention to their flaws, bringing to light their many imperfections. sensitive men try to counteract this degeneration of self by complementing the girls and helping them see the good within them. Alas, the girl rejects the positive reinforcement offered and counters with another degrading comment.
We guys tire of this and eventually give up on instilling confidence on the girl and leave her to wallow in her self pity. It's sad that this happens. At first I thought it a ploy used by girls to get guys to complement them, but what is the point of a complement that is returned to the sender. It's like buying medicine for a sickness then never taking it, or asking for water after crossing the Sahara only to dump it onto the dry ground.
I would like to share another an instance I see quite often and I find really disheartening. In the world of ballroom dance you find people of varying levels and abilities all striving to become one the best. The competition is fierce and people constantly overwork themselves to reach the top. While practicing I will often girls watching other girls who have danced longer and taken years to develop their talents. These girls who stand and watch wish they were as good as the other girls. They want the same leg lines, they same speed and clarity of movement.
I have tried many a time to console these girls of lesser ability and explain that the others have spent many a year refining their skill to reach the level they have and that the girl to home I am counseling can achieve the same level through hard work and determination. But, they don't want to listen. They want to be that girl now, they want to be amazing now.
I like the comment Mark Gungor makes when he says that 8 million women in the world don't look like super models, and only eight do. He goes on to talk about and women in magazines are airbrushed and then says, "Not even those women look like those women." And it's true, women constantly compare themselves to fictitious characters that don't exist in the real world. Why? I will never understand it and will always stand in awe of the constant down-talk because of this fact.
Girls, Mark lets you in on a little secret at the end. Guys don't care if you are perfect. we aren't looking for perfect. We are looking for someone who can be o-kay with who they are and how they look. We are willing to tell you how beautiful you really are, and you must be willing to accept it. Think of the girls who are constantly pursued by men, they are beautiful yes, but that is not why guys go after them. It is because they wreak of confidence. They are comfortable with themselves in any situation and are not afraid to show it.
So, what do I suggest? Be comfortable with who you are. Do not seek to be perfect or even the best in the given moment. Show confidence in your own abilities and your own looks. Do not reject compliments, but take them for what they are and let them strengthen you. Most importantly, and not to be cliche, be yourself. That is all I have to say concerning this matter. Thank you for reading and hopefully you can take from it something useful. And remember, you are amazing.
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